Terms and Conditions

Parking Information for Greenville Technical College
 All students, faculty, and staff must know and observe all parking and traffic regulations. All vehicles on campus must have a parking decal or temporary permit. Decals should be permanently affixed to the rear window, driver’s side, in the lower corner. Exception: vehicles with moveable/removable tops (convertibles, Jeeps, camper tops/shells) should apply the decal to the front windshield, lower driver’s side corner—clean the window before application. Do not back in or drive through two parking spaces; all vehicles should have the rear facing out. In parallel parking spaces, do not park against the traffic flow.

Parking Violations

a.         Blocking a fire hydrant ……………………………………………………………….

b.         Unauthorized parking in a Disability space (blue lines)…………..…..

c.         Unauthorized parking in a Faculty/Staff space (green lines)..……..

d.         Double parking…………………………………………………………………………..

e.         Backing in or driving through a parking space.…..……………………....

f.          Parking in a manner that obstructs a sidewalk, crosswalk, or roadway ……………………………………………………………………...…..

g.         Parking in a roadway, driveway, or on a sidewalk ………………..……

h.         Parking in an area not designated as a parking space.……………….

i.          Parking in a designated NO PARKING zone (sign, markings, or yellow curb)…………………………………………..……………………..…

j.          Parking in a closed-off area, marked by cones,

barricades, or tape…………………………………………………………………….

k.         Parking in a service area or service vehicle space, at a loading dock, or on a service road or driveway….………………………………..…

l.          Parking out of lines…………………………………….……………………………..

m.        Parking overnight without authorization…………………………….…….

n.         Parking against the flow of traffic……………………………………………..

o.         Parking in spaces designated for carpool/fuel-efficient vehicles



Vehicle Violations

a.         Failure to display current parking decal or temporary permit…..

b.         Improper display of decal (not permanently affixed)………………..

c.         Larceny (theft) of parking decal………………………………………………...

d.         Misuse of decal or temporary permit (transferring from one vehicle to another)………………………………………



























Moving Violations

a.         Running a stop sign………………………………………………………..……………

b.         Failure to yield the right of way…………………………………………………..….

c.         Speeding…………………………………………………………………….....................

d.         Reckless driving………………………………………………………………………...……

e.         Driving too fast for conditions………………………………………………………..

f.          Violation of one-way street……………………………………………………….……

g.         Driving in areas of the campus that have been closed by barricades, signs, yellow lines, or other traffic control devices………………..

h.         Failure to yield to pedestrians………………………………………………………..

i.          Vehicular traffic off roadway………………………………………………………….

j.          Passing a moving vehicle………………………………………………………………..

k.         Failure to stop for a Police or Safety Officer………………………..…………

l.          Operating an unsafe vehicle……………………………………………………..…..

Sworn GTC Police Officers also carry state citation books that may be used for moving violations in lieu of the abovementioned fines.


Repeat violators may have vehicles towed off campus at their own expense and may have campus parking privileges suspended.



Additional Violations

a.         Littering……………………………………………………………………………………….

b.         Failure to show or surrender I.D…………………………………………………..

c.         Noise violations………………………………………………………………….…………

d.         Violation of GTC Tobacco Policy – First Offense……………………………

e.        Violation of GTC Tobacco Policy – Second Offense……………………….




  $50.00 $100.00






















Apply Decal to the outside of your vehicle, lower left of the rear window, driver’s side. Apply to clean, dry and wax-free window. Do not apply in direct sunlight when the window is hot. Ask about special rules for convertibles, trucks with camper tops, soft-top Jeeps, and motorcycles.


For a complete summary of parking and traffic regulations on campus, refer to the current year Catalog and Student Handbook, Faculty Manual, Adjunct Faculty Manual, and the gvltec.edu Vehicle Registration Page, all available online.

§   All vehicles brought to Greenville Tech (all campuses), regardless of their intended use, must be registered and display a Parking Decal or a Temporary Permit. Temporary permits are available at all issuing locations. Students must obtain an annual parking decal for their vehicles.

§   The GTC Police Department is on-duty 24 hours a day. On the Barton Campus, you can register your vehicle at the I.D. Office in GTC Police Headquarters, Bldg. 103, Room 123, hours are posted. On the Satellite Campuses, locations are as follows: Brashier, Bldg. 201/Rotunda; Benson, Bldg. 301/Main Entrance; Northwest, Bldg. 402/Main Entrance. Each campus determines hours on the Satellite Campuses; see Student Services if you have questions—no decals or permits issued on weekends, holidays, or campus closings. Extended hours and additional locations may be available during peak registration times.

§   All students, faculty, and staff are responsible for knowing the parking regulations in the Handbook/Manual. They should also be familiar with the parking map. Do not rely on posted signs only.

§   The person who registered the vehicle will be responsible for any parking violations.

§   Permits are for the designated Student/Faculty/Staff only. Misuse or transference to non-students or non-faculty/staff members can result in a fine, disciplinary action, or revocation of parking privileges. 

§   All ticket appeals are handled by the Dean of Students Office, Barton Campus Bldg. 105, Suite 218. Appeals are final; form here [gvltec.edu/ticketappeal]:


Violations involving any of the following circumstances will not be heard on appeal:

§   Parking improperly for “a few minutes” will be treated the same as parking improperly for any period. The amount of time does not matter in determining whether or not the ticket is valid.

§   Using your hazard (4-way) lights will not keep you from receiving a ticket.

§   The lack of available “convenient” or “close” parking is not a reason to park improperly. If the area you “usually park in” is full, you must find legal parking elsewhere.

§   Scheduled classes, athletic events/practices, academic or non-academic meetings/gatherings, and any other academic or social appointments are not reasons to park improperly at any time. Additionally, being late for these functions is not a reason to park improperly.

§   The distance you had to walk and the time of day it occurred are not reasons to park improperly at any time. Whenever you are concerned about safety, call the GTC Police, and an officer will meet you and escort you to your destination. This service is available 24 hours a day.

§   Permission to violate the parking regulations can only come from the GTC Police Department. Do not park improperly because you were told to by a Faculty or Staff member, friend, fellow student, or anyone else. Only a member of the GTC Police Department can give you this permission, including all areas used for loading and unloading.

§   The fact that you “have seen others park there and never get ticketed” is not a valid reason for an appeal.